Dali or Chagall

Waking up from my
surreal dream,
holding my forehead 
firmly in the palm 
of my hand,
safe from all
Last night was
and now is here

My phone connected 
to expected disappointment,
yet, nothing they say
can ever affect me 
so negatively

All moving forward
into NEW pastures
I take a deep breath of hope
These moments are forged
beyond reason,
indulging the innocence

then the memory…

you arrive in a white car
elegant and elitist,
with deep ox blood seats
“In hope I trust eternally”
What kind words of wisdom
amongst the madness all around

You’ve entered my realm of forgiveness,
my tranquil solace space
I breathe secondary,
I bite my tongue
Then the eternal adagio,
the windows to my soul
spill over

I retreat
to observe 
objectively and
resume with boundaries, 
responsive to your insight

Questioning your intentions
as I’m weary of my oldest wound 
Van Gogh, being alone…Sophie’s choice
I Iet go of lonely
I fly

…Where are you?

dorettepotgieter ©