VALUE: Leap Years
If the requested date is in either January or February, you have to check whether the year is a leap year.

If it is a leap year and the date is in January or February, subtract 1 from your final answer.

How do you determine whether it is a leap year?

If a year is divisible by four, it is a leap year. In such a year, the month of February will have one extra day; the 29th. 

1972 - 72 is divisible by 4, thus it is a leap year.
1789 - 89 is not divisible by 4, so it is not a leap year.

It follows that every fourth year is a leap year, but there is an exception to this rule: At the turn of each century a leap year is skipped, except if the century is divisible by 400 (Gregorian Calendar reforms).

1700 is not divisible by 400, so that year was not a leap year. 2000 is, so it was a leap year. 

It follows that only in every four hundred years will the turn of the century be a leap year. 

Examples: 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400, etc. 

[1896 was a leap year, 1900 was skipped, so eight years passed before the arrival of the next leap year, which was 1904.] 

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