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Description Huge animal with long thick legs and very large ears. Its trunk is versatile acting as a nose and hand. Usually has long tusks. Female has one pair of mammae between the front legs.
Sexual dimorphism Bull is larger than the cow and has larger and heavier tusks.
Habitat Found in areas ranging from arid to dense forest and savanna or forest recording a high rainfall. Clear drinking water, other permanent water, shade and enough food (grass and branches) are essential.


Diurnal and nocturnal. Gregarious, herds consist mainly of a cow and her descendants. Bulls form temporary male herds or live alone, especially the old ones, only joining the cows for mating. Large breeding herds with bulls also exist. It shows aggression when it lifts its trunk and head, spreads out its ears and trumpets, or kicks up dust. When drinking water it squirts it over itself or lies down to cool off. Enjoys wallowing in mud and rubbing against trees.
Voice Screams and trumpets. Keeps contact by deep rumbling.
Breeding One, rarely two, calves born at any time during the year after a gestation period of ± 22 months.
Food Branches, grass, leaves, bark reed and fruit. May drink water once in four days or even daily. Water for drinking must be clear, may even dig in the sand for water.
Mass ♂ 5700 kg
♀ 5500 kg
Life expectancy ± 65 years
Weight of tusks Average ±  35 kg
Record 102,72 kg
Enemies None
Also known as Olifant (Afrikaans)
Loxodonta africana

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