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Description The Warthog has distinctive white whiskers and warts on the sides of the face. The grey body is sparsely covered with long bristles and there is a mane of dark hair with lighter tips. The tip of the tail has a small tuft of black hair. The adult has long tusks which curve over a broad snout. This animal is seen more often than the Bushpig from which it is distinguished by the broader snout, long curved tusks and more prominent warts on the face. It is also grey, not dark brown like the Bushpig.
Sexual dimorphism Males are large and have two pairs of warts and long tusks. The females' tusks are shorter and they have only one pair of warts.
Habitat Savannah with open areas around pans and waterholes.


Warthogs are diurnal and form family or bachelor groups of 4 to 10 animals. They are sometimes solitary. They live in old antbear holes, entering backwards and emerging head first. They are able to defend themselves against cheetahs and wild dogs, but not against lions. They are fond of digging in the soil or mud-bathing, taking up the colour of the soil. When they run, they characteristically hold their tails erect. They kneel down on their front legs to root and graze.
Voice Growl, grunt and snort.
Breeding 1 to 8 young are born during September to decenber after a gestation period of ± 5½ months.
Food Grass and fallen wild fruit, also succulent roots.
Mass ♂ 60 - 100 kg
♀ 45 - 70 kg
Life expectancy ± 20 years
Length of teeth Average ± 20 cm
Record 60,96 cm
Enemies Lion, Leopard, Cape Hunting Dog.
Also known as Vlakvark (Afrikaans)
Phacochoerus africanus

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