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Description A big antelope with a characteristic white circle around the tail and a collar of white hair around the neck and the snout. The rest of the body is grey-brown. There are white stripes on the ridges of the eyebrows and the chin is white. The tuft on the end of the tail as well as the lower legs are darker and more brown in colour. The hair is shaggy, coarse and long.
Sexual dimorphism Males are larger than females, which are hornless.
Habitat Areas near rivers or marshes and dry floodplains. They are never far from water.


Waterbuck are diurnal, gregarious animals. The small herds of 6 to 12 animals consist mostly of females, calves and young. Males are territorial and while some remain solitary, others form male herds. Serious fights between male Waterbuck are more common than similar fights among other species of antelope. When danger threatens they take to the water, even if there are crocodiles. Crocodiles do not usually attack Waterbuck, probably on account of the unpleasant smell given off by their skin.
Voice Not often heard. Snoring sound when alarmed or excited. Females call calves with a soft "muh".
Breeding 1, seldom 2, calves are born throughout the year after a gestation period of ± 9 months.
Food Grass, sometimes leaves and fruit. They drink water regularly.
Mass ♂ 250 - 270 kg
♀ 205 - 250 kg
Life expectancy ± 14 years
Length of horns Average ± 75 cm
Record 99,70 cm
Enemies Spotted Hyena, Lion, Cheetah, Hunting Dog.
Also known as Waterbok (Afrikaans)
Kobus ellipsiprymnus

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