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Description The body of this horse-like animal is white with dark stripes alternating with lighter shadow stripes. Each individual has its own pattern of stripes. The colour of the stripes becomes less distinct towards the hooves. Burchell's Zebra can be distinguished from the Mountain Zebra by its shadow stripes, longer mane and smaller ears. It also does not have a dewlap or a white belly.
Sexual dimorphism Males are usually slightly heavier than females.
Habitat Open savannah with grass and sufficient water.


Burchell's Zebra form family herds of 4 to 9 animals, each herd usually consisting of a male, a few females and some young. Other males are solitary or form stallion herds. They are diurnal animals which range seasonally over large areas in search of food. Their senses are acute and they enjoy a dust-bath. Burchell's Zebras are often seen socially with Blue Wildebeest. A male will protect its herd, or a female and her foal, by biting and kicking.
Voice A repetitive "qua-ha-ha" whinny followed by a whistling sound as they inhale air.
Breeding A single foal is born throughout the year after a gestation period of ± 12½ months, peaking in summer.
Food Grass, occasionally leaves and pods as well.
Mass ♂ 290 - 340 kg
♀ 290 - 325 kg
Life expectancy ± 35 years
Length of horns None
Enemies Spotted hyena, Lion, Cheetah
Also known as Bontkwagga (Afrikaans)
Equus burchelli

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