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Diet should be a part of your fitness program as much as exercise is.

Even with the best exercise program you will probably not reach your fitness goals if you do not accompany it with the proper diet plan. Right now, on the market, there are hundreds of diet plans which all promise you to loose weight fast and easy. So which ones are good and which ones are not? The answer to that question can be all of them or none of them depending on each individual alone. Every single diet plan has its own success stories, but at the same time probably there is even more people who tried them a failed. So again, it can work well for some people and not so well for the others. So what is the key? Which way to go? First of all do not go for promises of weekend diets and no exercise diets. You did not gain all of your extra weight in one day or a week so you better do not search for the formula to lose it, in that time frame, either.

Furthermore, exercise is a key component of every weight loss plan so you have to include it in your weight loss program. The way to choose a diet plan is that it has to be realistic. We all know ourselves well enough to be able to judge what is possible and what not. For instance if you decide to cut your calories to the levels that are too low for your size, age and amount of daily activity, there is a good chance you won’t be able to keep up with that plan for a long time. You have to honestly admit to yourself whether you can stick with a meal plan you have chosen or not.

Solution is not only in adopting the right diet plan. It is in changing your life style. I would consider well balanced diet, which includes five to six meals throughout a day, to be the best choice in achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight.


Sport supplement industry is a multimillion dollars business. On shelves of your local supplement store you can find everything from fat burning pills to muscle mass building products. It is no wonder that sport supplements are so popular. We all are looking for a quick fix; if you cannot sleep take a pill, if you have a backpain take a pill, and so on and on. Instead of looking for the real cause of a problem we tend to go for short cuts as long as it works, because we are too busy with our everyday lives. Too busy to even take good care of our health. If you browse through any fitness magazine, a half of it would be ads for sport supplements. Additionally, your gym sells it, your trainer recommends it, and it does look like everybody who exercise is using it.

So what do you really need and what not? First, no sport supplement can replace real food. An individual who has a well balanced diet probably would not need any of sport supplements or products to stay healthy or to improve his/her fitness status. Maybe that is the area where more focus should be put on. How to improve your diet versus trying out every new pill or chemical mixture on the market. Furthermore, do not think that because sports supplements are sold legally that they are perfectly safe. There is more than one case of deaths caused by fat burning products. And no, you don’t have to overdose to put yourself in hazard. Ephedrine, a popular fat burning product and just recently banned in all states was freely sold in our stores. It took several people to die before it was displayed as hazardous to human health (for more information on ephedrine, visit FDA website ).

In order for someone to prescribe even something so “simple” as vitamins and minerals he/she has to understand what effect will such a product have on our system once these substances are ingested. It is your body and your call who do you consult when it comes to your health.

Hint for you: MD, Exercise Physiologist or Registered Dietitian are right choices.

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