Day 1
16 December 2005 FRIDAY Packed
with only the basics, camping gear, clothes and very little food,
according to me who constantly get hungry, we packed the Jeep and headed
off into the direction of the Karoo. Two full jerry cans where safely
stored in the back of the Jeep for the possibility of a fuel shortage
catastrophe. I was the navigator and found myself in quite confusion as
to how to get us on the highway out of Gauteng. All of a sudden my trips
from Pretoria to Johannesburg just confused me to such an extent that I
really felt useless. Fortunately enough, we somehow managed between all
the stops we made in our search for ice, to travel in the right
direction. It was unusually warm for the time of the year and everyone
seemed to have stock up on ice because the only thing we did find in
shortage was ice and not petrol! We stopped numerous times to find ice,
but were met with, “Sorry, we’re sold out.”
The start of the journey on the highway was filled with the usual
holiday makers rushing off to their destinations, with constant tension
running through our muscles (traffic stress). Only quite later on did we
turn off from the highway and it was amazing to discover how traffic
stress tires you out. It must be mentioned that all the dirt roads (and
very little tar road that we did drove on) where in very good condition,
except of course for the trip to, The Hell, (which will be mentioned
later on – Day 4). Somehow it was felt that it was mandatory to turn off
the radio, because nothing could fill the peaceful melody of the Karoo.
We turned off from the highway
just past Kimberly coming from Pretoria, heading towards Plooysburg.
This was just the start of our adventurous Karoo trip.
On our way to Plooysburg Etienne stopped the car in the middle of
nowhere and I asked inquisitively why we had stopped. But I was
oblivious to what he had seen in his rear view mirror and he just smiled
and told me that this was absolute beauty. It was only when I turned
around and looked behind me that I saw the most beautiful rain showers
in the horizon. The sun lit the earth with the warmest glow I had ever
seen and the backdrop was this dark thunderstorm with occasional
lighting, giving you a slightly mysterious feeling while the atmosphere
was absolute peace and beauty. I think this was one of the images and a
feelings that would always be in my mind and heart. What a brilliant
start! We took our cameras and explored the landscape for a few
photographs and just lingered around and absorbed everything we could
for as long as possible, before heading once more in the direction of

Towns of the Karoo
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March 2006