The Swartberg Pass
Day 4:
19 December 2005 MONDAY
Swartberg Pass is definitely a road one should travel at least once
during your lifetime. Even if the thought of height really does make
your knees wobble, seeing the beauty of our world from above is worth
more than that.
Just do drive carefully, especially the corners. We unfortunately did
encounter the reckless driver, but if you do your bit by driving slowly,
you will most surely be al right. When we did stop, we made sure our car
was parked in such a place so that we wouldn’t cause any danger to other
It was interesting to note how quiet it was. Even though the pass was
always busy and you always saw a car nearby, you never heard a car’s
engine rev or any of the sorts.
It is approximately 55km from the turnoff on the Swartberg Pass to Die
* * * * *
A Short History:
Thomas Bain built the Swartberg Pass. It took Bain, with hundreds of
convicts providing labour, four years to complete the project.
It snakes upwards in a seemingly endless series of curves, U-turns and
zigzags to a height of 1585 m above sea level. There is no relief in the
climb, while a well-maintained car makes the ascent without trouble.
Remnants of the stone buildings in which the convict labourers were once
quartered can still be seen on places.

Towns of the Karoo
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