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George W. Bush - The President

Global Security? 

The 43rd President of the United States does not back down from a fight. In fact, he gladly enters the fray where many would fear to tread. We are blessed with a leader that does not hesitate to send troops to battle, to ask Americans to pay the ultimate price for their country. That is why he is feared and respected - mostly by Arab countries - not because he attacks them, but because he understands better than anyone else the principles of an eye for an eye, a dental extraction for a tooth. His spirit is personified in the suicide bomber - a man who would sacrifice all for his ideals.

"They just don't respect me, son."What are the ideals of George W. Bush? Firstly, it is loyalty - loyalty to the bloodline that spawned him and the nation that molded him. It is no secret that the floor mosaic in the entrance hall of the hotel Al-Rashid in Bagdhad was demeaning to his father and ultimately to himself. This mosaic depicted a snarling George Bush snr in a very unflattering  way, with the words "Bush is criminal" in both Arab and English. If there was one thing the liberation of Iraq would achieve, it would be to extract this insulting floor from the hotel. Records would show that this was the first thing our troops did after securing the oil ministry. With chisels and hammers they brought liberty to the infamous hotel, to cheers from onlookers.

Unflattering floor mosaic in the Hotel Al-Rashid, Bagdhad.His second ideal is to introduce American hegemony to the rest of the world, at least to the strategic parts of it. As with the Roman Empire before, America is in the enviable position to control its own destiny, and the destiny of others. Our president has the firm ideal of an American Empire - a benevolent empire just as the Romans were. Just like the Romans we will not suffer fools (take note France, Germany and the others). President Bush wants to make the world a safer place for Americans, free from bombers and Arabs. Just like Caesar, President Bush will have control over the intellectual and moral leadership of the world and make the critical decisions affecting it. This is not arrogance but simply the way of destiny.

The third ideal is the corporate ideal. The power of the dollar must be unmatched and unchallenged worldwide, and our business must be everybody's business. We have for too long borne the brunt of inferior European and Asian products. It is time for the Buck to take control, and who better to steer us through these troubled waters than the 43rd president of the United States of America!

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