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Here are some delicately chosen links and articles to broaden your mind.
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American Indians


Sand Creek Massacre
The Battle of Washita
The Massacre at Wounded Knee
Custer Myths and Facts
Rescind Medals of Dishonor - Petition
500 Years of Hate Crimes
Genocide on the Great Plains - (Full Book)
The Myth of Multiculturalism
One America: Hiding from History
Injun Joe: Mark Twain's Legacy
Native American or American Indian?
NoNA Awards
What is a Wasi'chu?
Offensive Words
American Indian Biographies
Black Hawk's Surrender Speech
FBI Reservation Murders
Michael Moore: Bowling for Columbine
His Excellency Robert Mugabe
The Taliban Reunited
The Washington Pox
Political Splash
The Weekly Canard
America-Russia News
Arafat/Sharon Sexual Tension
The Onion
The Daily Probe
The Rockall Times
The Ironic Times
Bush Pictures
Animated Bush
Bush in London
Babes Against Bush
Arab TV Satire Angers Israel

Bush and the U.S.

Middle East

The Uncompassionate Conservative
People Executed on Texas Death Row
Where was Bush?
Bush Kills
Tiger Force: The Hidden Horror
US Bombing History
A Soldier's View
Bring Them Home
The Nation
Mandela's Criticism
No Gun Ri: Korean Massacre
North Korea's Chances in a War
Open letter from the World's Greatest Novelist
Of Rogue Nations and Evil Empires

Classic Bush Joke
Embedded Journalism - Report
Pictures not Shown on TV
We Rest Our Case
Saddam Execution
Marines Killing Wounded Iraqi - Video
Dark Side of Iraq Liberation
British Soldiers Kick Prisoner to Death
The Death of Rachel Corrie
Israel's Apartheid Wall
Dr. Baruch Goldstein: The Hero?
Baruch Goldstein: The Mass Murderer
Israel's Assassination Policy
Massacres at Sabra and Shatila
Jewish Fundamentalism - Study
Death of a 14 year-old

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