the Jordanian village of Qibya, a total of 69 civilians were murdered in
a six hour killing spree, which almost totally destroyed the town. The
attackers blew up about forty houses, a school, water pumping station,
police station and telephone office and they sustained no casualties, as
Qibya was virtually undefended. This extermination unit was led by Ariel
Sharon and the date was October 14, 1953.
Of the first 42 bodies recovered after the attack, 38 were women and
children. One man lost all 11 members of his family. Describing the
scene, a UN observer stated that 'Bullet-riddled bodies near the
doorways and multiple bullet hits on the doors of the demolished houses
indicated that the inhabitants had been forced to remain inside until
their homes were blown up over them.'
In 1982, between 800 and 3,000 civilians were killed in the Southern
Lebanon refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla. The Israeli commission
investigating the massacre found 'that the Minister of Defense [Sharon]
bears personal responsibility' for the massacre and recommended that he
be fired if he didn't resign. He refused and was removed as Defense
Today, under Sharon's leadership, most Palestinians are destitute, caged
in shrinking enclaves, surrounded by Israeli tanks and highly vulnerable
to attack. Today, thanks to Sharon's savage ways and closure policies,
horrific acts of terrorism is committed against Israeli civilians. He
remains a faithful and grateful friend of the United States.
Kwasniewski - Poland
joined the Communist party at 23, and was an organizer of the Socialist
Union of Polish Students during the late 1970s. He was the editor of ITD
(1981–84) and of Sztandar Mlodych (1984–85), both youth-oriented
party newspapers, where he earned a reputation as a propagandist.
When martial law was declared (1981) and many left the party, he
remained and served (1985–89) as the government's minister of youth
and sports. After the collapse of the Communist party in 1991,
Kwasniewski, whom some have called an opportunist, was a founder of the
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD), a social democratic party.
In 1995 he was elected president, narrowly defeating Lech Walesa; he was
reelected in 2000. Confirming his label as an opportunist, he committed
Polish troops to the war in Iraq. He was repayed for his subservience by
a state visit from President Bush.
José Maria Aznar
Lopez - Spain
conservative politician, he became Spain's Prime Minister in 1996. In
2002 he was lambasted for forcing a stricken oil tanker, 'The Prestige',
out to sea rather than bringing it into calm waters to pump the oil out.
This resulted in the tanker sinking six days later, spilling an
estimated 17 million gallons (64 million liters) of oil.
The oil oozed south to Portugal and stained beaches along Spain's
northern coast and the southwest of France. Fishing was banned, forcing
thousands of people to live off handouts for months. For weeks
volunteers scooped up globs of oil by hand and shovel, often wading
waist-deep into the sludge. Estimates put the total clean-up and fishing
sector losses at US$9.2 billion over a decade.
In 2003, he faced 91% opposition from the populace for his collaboration
with the US in the war in Iraq. Spain's Supreme Court and a Bilbao Court
also started an investigation of a complaint filed by the Spanish Basque
party, accusing Aznar of war crimes for his complicity in the war.
On 11 March 2004 Spain reaped the
"benefits" from the Iraq debacle, when Al-queda bombs in
Madrid killed almost 200 Spanish commuters. As with Israel, the
country's leadership has brought terror to the doorstep of innocent
civilians. Initially the Spanish government conveniently blamed the
Basque Seperatists, but the more ominous facts soon came to light. Three
days later Aznar was voted out by the populace. The new prime minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero,
stated: "The war in Iraq was a disaster, the occupation of Iraq is a disaster,"
and pledged to take Spanish troops out of Iraq. Aznar has now applied
for his 'Green Card'.
Tony Charles Lynton
Blair - United Kingdom
of course there's Tony. Poor old Tony, still looking for those elusive
weapons of mass destruction with that hurt puppy look on his face. His
involvement in the Iraq War has left a promising career floundering
amidst a sea of anti-war resentment.
He remains as probably the only leader who GENUINELY believed that there
were WMD in Iraq, and he manages to exude an air of determined
bafflement when describing his belief that the WMD will still be found,
even if he doesn't really know where. He has managed to keep Britain out
of the current mania of terrorist attacks and for that he should be
commended. But the British public most certainly won't forgive him for
his gullibility, which makes his chances of a re-election victory slim.
He is a good example of when nasty things happen to nice people.
people have claimed the moral high ground and ventured to criticize our policies
and our beliefs. The tide has turned on them, however, and we look at how
the souring of the relationship left egg on their faces.
salute these individuals that personify the fighting spirit and pioneering
resolve of our founding fathers. Their actions tower above the rest of us and
they should never be forgotten by history. Join us as we look at who they were
and what they've done to deserve this honor.